Field Description Reference


List of reference designators for a BOM item. E.g. “R20, R21, R22”, or “U2”, etc.


How your electronic component is shown on a schematic. E.g. “22uF” or “430R” or “SMBT2222,” etc. The Identifier value of “DNI” has a special meaning: DO NOT INSTALL. Parts-in-Place will exclude DNI components from:

  • Total costs calculation
  • Components count
  • Required parts for a build calculation.


The part’s description

Company P/N

Your company’s internal part number for the component

Manufacturer P/N

Manufacturer’s part number

Supplier P/N

The part supplier’s part number


Your primary supplier for a given part, or the most recent one you purchased it from.


The part’s manufacturer

Package ID

The part’s package identifier. Such as “0603” or “SOT-23-3.”


The part’s footprint (land pattern) as per the IPC-7351B naming convention. For example, “SOT95P230-3N” or “INDC1608N.”


Packaging type, such as “reel,” “tube,” or “bulk,” etc.


Whether the part is RoHS-compliant – yes or no.


Link to a datasheet


Part’s storage location in your warehouse. Can be any string. For example: “Case #1 Shelf #4 Bin #001.”


Arbitrary comments you may want to add for a part or document item.

Qty at Office

The quantity of this part that is available in the Office Storage Location, as per Parts-in-Place calculation.

Qty at CM

The quantity of this part that is available at the Contract Manufacturer’s (the “CM” Storage Location), as per Parts-in-Place calculation.

Qty Reserved

The quantity of this part reserved for pending builds (Assembly Orders). The value is calculated by Parts-in-Place.

Qty on Order

The quantity of this part that has been ordered and not yet received, as per Parts Orders and Parts Arrivals. The value is calculated by Parts-in-Place.


Quantity per unit – for Bills of Materials, Assembly Orders, and Assemblies.

Quantity received – for Parts Arrivals.

Quantity written off – for Parts Write-offs.

Quantity in stock – for Inventories.


Extra quantity of components that is expected to be required (or has actually been used) for the build, on top of the quantity per unit specified on the BOM.

Total Quantity

Total quantity required (or actually used) for the build. Calculated automatically by Parts-in-Place as <Number of units to build> * <Quantity per unit> + <Attrition>

Min Required

Minimum quantity of the part sufficient for completing planned builds.


Multiple Order Quantity for the part. If a numeric value is specified here, the calculated quantities to order will be rounded up to the nearest multiple of this number.

To Order

Actual quantity of a part to order. It may be either equal to Min Required or rounded up to the nearest Multiple.


Per-unit price

Total Cost

Price multiplied by Quantity

Status (of an item on an Assembly Order)

Can have one of two values, automatically set by Parts-in-Place: “ATT” or “PRO.” The value “ATT,” as in “Attention,” means that you don’t have this part on hand in a sufficient quantity. You’ll have to order it to complete the planned build.

The value “PRO,” as in “Processed,” means that you have this part either in stock or on order in a sufficient quantity for completing the planned build.

Status (of a document)

Can be either “Draft” or “Executed.” In Parts-in-Place, documents only take effect after they are Executed.