Release 1.4.37

Pre-select the parent Assembly or Parts Order for the Copy from operation — so you don’t need to look them up.

Filter out fulfilled orders from Assembly/Part Order dropdown when creating new Assemblies and Parts Arrivals. Hopefully this will reduce clutter and make it easier to find the required document.

Release 1.4.36

To ensure the consistency of data, it is no longer possible to edit the Qty to Order and Multiple on executed documents. If you do need to change these fields, first switch the document back to the Draft state, then do any necessary edits and execute it again.

Release 1.4.35

Dramatic performance improvement when working with a large number of Assembly Orders and Assemblies.

Release 1.4.34

The fields Qty at Office and Qty at CM are now displayed on the Parts Orders screen, in addition to the Parts Library.

Release 1.4.33

Previously, it was possible to end up in a situation where executed Assembly documents were referring to draft Assembly Orders or executed Parts Arrivals referring to draft Parts Orders, which would result in an inconsistency in inventory numbers. Today’s release should prevent such inconsistencies from ever occurring again.

Also, we’ve fixed an issue where numeric Manufacturer P/Ns would sometimes be converted to the “scientific” number format when importing from Excel.


Implemented the reverse sorting order for the Parts Orders and Assembly Orders dropdown list. The default sorting order is oldest to newest, and now you configure it to be newest to oldest instead. To do so, enable the “Reverse sorting order in dropdown list” option via the User Settings menu:


Release 1.4.31

New feature: now you can see which of your Assembly Orders are remaining “open” and how many units are still to be assembled on these open orders.

More specifically it works as follows:

  • A new column, named “Remaining”, has been added to the left-side table on the Assembly Orders page. It is automatically calculated (not editable) based on the order document and any linked Assembly documents.
  • When an Assembly Order is Draft, its Remaining field is empty.
  • When there are no linked Assemblies, the Remaining quantity is equal to the build quantity of the Assembly Order.
  • Whenever a linked Assembly is added and executed, the Remaining quantity is decreased accordingly.
  • Whenever the Remaining quantity reaches zero, its line in the left-side table is marked in green to visualize that this order has been fulfilled.
  • Assembly Orders whose remaining quantity is zero are not shown in the “Copy from Assembly Order” dropdown on the Assemblies page.

Release 1.4.30

  • Enhancement to the Excel export functionality: now a “Row Number” column is automatically added to all exported documents. Its purpose is to facilitate communication with non-technical staff using the printed spreadsheets: it’s often easier to talk about “Item #23” than “CPN XT023”.
  • Added a “Notes” field to the Parts Write-offs page, as well as “Manufacturer” and “Supplier” to the Inventories page.

  • Fixed the issue where the table splitter on the Assembly Orders page would sometimes get moved all the way to right, blocking the right-hand side of the screen.

Release 1.4.29

  • Implemented support for UTF-8 (Unicode) characters. This allows Chinese or any other language to be used in part descriptions, notes and other fields. This also allows the use of special symbols like Ω for Ohm, etc.
  • Added the “Add from Library” button to the Inventory view.
  • Fixed an issue where working with the system while the browser was in “zoom-in” or “zoom-out” mode could result in exception.


  • Added the “Add from Library” button to the Parts Transfers view
  • Fixed the issue where the Storage field would not always be populated correctly when processing a Parts Arrival
  • Fixed the issue where the “Add from Library” function wouldn’t populate the Storage field
  • Fixed the issue where the Status field on an Assembly Order would be left empty when exporting to Excel
  • Improvement to the “Copy from Parts Order” function: now it also pulls the part’s storage location from the library.